One Step Publish
One Step Publish is turned on by default when you create your site. If however, your site is not setup to utilize One Step Publish, you can turn it on or off at any time within the site properties page. You can get to the site properties page in one of two ways.
1. Click on your site from the MOBI home (My Sites) page. Next, click the Properties link that appears in the Header.
Publishing Your Site
When you first create your site MOBI creates a Home page for you. If you attempt to navigate to"Your site name here" before you publish you will see an Under Construction page until you publish for the first time. You will see the same Under Construction page when you navigate to a page you created but have yet to publish.
In other words lets say you create a site named Site1. If you navigate to before you publish you will see an Under Construction page. Next you add some content to the Home page and click publish. Now when you navigate to you will see your Home page. Next you create Page1. If you navigate to before you publish you will see an Under Construction page. If you navigate to you will see a Page Does Not Exist page. Once you make your changes to Page1 and publish you will then see your updates when you navigate to
One Step Publish takes the latest version of your site and overwrites the previously published versions of all of your pages. (Note: If you have Auto Check-In disabled the last checked-in version of each page will be used in the publish.) This allows you to quickly make some changes to any number of pages and publish them without any overhead.
The alternative to One Step Publish is using Editions. If you turn off One Step Publish you will have to use editions to publish. Editions give you the added flexibility of changing between editions and allow you to easily revert back to a previous edition. While this might not be needed by the average user, sites that are developed by multiple people increase the odds for typos or errors that might need to be quickly taken down until an update or fix is ready to be published. Going back to the previously published edition is an easy way of accomplishing this without the end user noticing.
If you have been utilizing One Step Publish and decide that you now have need to use editions you will notice that MOBI created an edition for you every time you used One Step Publish. This means you can toggle between any of those previous editions or revert back to them after creating your own editions.
Creating an Edition
1. In the Designer, click the publish icon to slide down the editions window.
2. If no editions currently exist click the big blue New Edition button. If one or more editions already exist click the New Edition link on the right of the header in the Editions grid.
3. A popup will open prompting you for a name and comment. Input both and click Create.