901 - Ergonomics

  1. Choose low-vibration tools whenever possible.
  2. Choose tools that incorporate good ergonomic design whenever possible.
  3.  Avoid repetitive motion activities.
  4.  Always work with the body in a neutral posture whenever possible. Keep your back, neck, arms, and wrist in a normal posture.
  5. Reduce excessive force on joints to prevent the potential for fatigue and injury.
  6.  Keep everything within easy reach.
  7.  Keep work at proper height to prevent slouching or having to overreach. Avoid reaching above shoulder level and below thigh level.
  8.  Avoid a static load, which consists of holding the same position for a long period of time. This creates fatigue and discomfort which interfere with your ability to work.
  9.  Minimize pressure points when a part of the body is in contact stress with a surface.
  10.  Provide clearance in your work area so you will not contact equipment or other surfaces.
  11. Computer workstations must be designed to fit the need of the worker. The chair, keyboard, monitor, and documents shall be at the proper height and angle adjusted for the individual. These recommendations are general in nature. For recommendations specific for your workstation, contact the site safety coordinator or Fleet Safety (for corporate).
  12.  Adjust your desk chair for the correct height to stop cramping and stiffness in the legs. Both feet should rest comfortably on the floor or on a footrest. The knees should be at approximately a 90-degree angle between the upper and lower leg. The backrest should fit snugly against your lower back with the lumbar support adjusted to fit the curve of your back.
  13.  Use proper body position when sitting in a chair. Be particularly careful when sitting in chairs with casters, which can slip out from underneath you if you shift your body weight too far forward. Keep chair legs on the floor and do not prop feet on your desk.
  14.  Adjust your monitor for the correct height and angle. The monitor should be in your direct line of vision in order to avoid holding your head at an angle. Your eyes should be level with or slightly above the top of your monitor screen.
  15.  Adjust the height of your keyboard. Your hands and forearms should form a straight line, parallel to the floor. Your arms should form approximately a 90-degree between the forearm and upper arm. Your shoulders should be relaxed. Avoid extended reach.
  16.  Avoid staring at the monitor for extended periods of time. Look away from the monitor from time to time and focus on a distant object. Avoid staring at the monitor without blinking your eyes; blink often to avoid dryness of the eyes.
  17.  Arrange your work so you have a reason to get up and move frequently. Place printers far away. Organize your work in small batches so your activities vary every two hours.
  18.  Get up and move - this helps relieve tension and tired muscles.

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